Alfie travelled to Minnesota on the week of January 9th, 2017 to do some on-site testing for one of the largest Midwestern Craft Brewery and Beverage Industries whose main product staples include craft beer, juice, and energy drinks. This company plans to expand its manufacturing division, breaking ground on a new to-be-built facility. The principle objectives at hand is to install a modern-day, cost-effective treatment system that would remove BOD, Phosphorous, TSS, and TDS, (2) produce permeate suitable for discharge, (3) produce concentrate suitable for other processes, and (4) reduce loading on the local wastewater treatment plant.
A snowstorm raged as Ludek, Justin, and Jake drove along I-94 W towards Minnesota. As soon as the crew arrived, they worked quickly to move Alfie from the container to a little building that sheltered him and the others from the heavy snow. With Alfie stationed snug and warm, samples were brought in and tests began. Throughout the next two days, quite a few visitors came by to see Alfie at work and learn more about the CORNCOB II technology including people from the brewery, representatives from the laundry industry, and even representatives from the city!
The results proved CORNCOB II as a viable, long-term, economic and sustainable membrane filtration system for beer and beverage processing industries. Alfie successfully achieved all objectives and effectively reduced outgoing batch volume discharge and contamination levels, eliminating monthly surcharges and fines. Testing and operations were in compliance with current environmental policy and regulations.